E-COMMERCE TIPS | Alexa European Marketing Flash Briefing · S02 E06

Alexa European Marketing Flash Briefing - S02 E06 - Barcelona Virtual
In our 6th episode of Season 2, our experts share tips to energise your e-Commerce, fast!

We've prepared a very special edition of our podcast for all of you who are interested in making your business grow, thanks to e-Commerce. The COVID-19 Crisis has caused Electronic Commerce to explode, the world over.

In this episode of our Alexa European Marketing Flash Briefing, Paul and Anna sit down with George and Leslie from our Voice Services team. Together, they suggest practical, actionable information to get beginners started quickly.

For more advanced e-Commerce Pros, they share experiences using CRM, Data Analysis, Geomarketing, and Smart Data Tips. Even how Real-Time Marketing may be used to increase Engagement and Conversion to Sales.

You can find the podcast on all Alexa-enabled devices (click here to know how), on Spotify, Podbean, Apple Podcasts or by means of the embedded Sound Cloud audio right below.

And don't forget to explore the valuable links, resources and videoclips of topics mentioned in this edition -- just below -- as well as the Episode Transcript here (pending).

We look forward to your feedback, at podcast@bvirtual.com!


HOW TO LISTEN USING ALEXA: It's easy to set up Alexa to hear our Flash Briefing: step-by-step


Increase Your Online Sales +20% by Automating Abandoned Cart Reminders - Barcelona Virtual - www.bvirtual.com

Achieve 55% Conversions for Sign-Ups, Thanks to Narrative Forms - Barcelona Virtual - www.bvirtual.com



More than 50% of Consumers Buy More  When You Use Geomarketing- Barcelona Virtual - www.bvirtual.com

Flash Briefing S02 E06 | May 2020


    Transcript (Pending):Alexa European Marketing Flash Briefing S02 E06

The pioneering (and award-winning) e-Commerce Store for the Martini Man, developed by Barcelona Virtual in 1999.

The pioneering online store we created for the "Martini Man", popular in TV ads in Spain during the 1990s.
Winner of the "Sol de Bronce" at the XIV Advertising Festival in San Sebastián · 1999

GETTING STARTED · Your New e-Commerce

Ir a ecommerce.bvirtual.com

Haz despegar tu e-Commerce




HEATMAPS: Clickmaps, Movemaps and Scrollmaps are useful tools that help you improve the usability and ROI of your e-commerce or website.
Use Clickmaps, Heatmaps & Scrollmaps periodically to improve your e-Commerce or Web.

SMART DATA TIPS · For e-Commerce Jedi

FIND IT FAST! Check out all of the previous Flash Briefings in our handy new Directory.


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Photo: Paul Fleming · Barcelona Virtual Photo: Anna Hernández · Barcelona Virtual

We hope you enjoy the monthy broadcasts, hosted by Paul Fleming, together with Anna Hernández.

You can find this podcast at any time on various platforms:

By speaking to Alexa, here on the Barcelona Virtual Blog,
on Spotify, Podbean, Apple Podcasts or at our Soundcloud profile page.

Please, don't forget to include your comments with us here on the Blog; and also to share your own examples of innovative Intelligent Marketing from Europe.

Your own project just might be featured in one of our future Flash Briefings!
We look forward to hearing from you.

The Alexa European Marketing Flash Briefing Team - Barcelona Virtual - bvirtual.com

The Production Team of our European Marketing Alexa Flash Briefing: Pere, Anna and Paul

Learn how to Improve Your Results with Intelligent Marketing

Flash Briefing released on 08 May 2020.
Original post published on 07 May 2020.


  • 08 May 2020
  • 12 April 2024

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